Heart Centered Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is an ancient modality, spanning the whole globe. It is recorded all the way back to our shared prehistory. Every culture has used deep relaxation as a pathway to healing and resolution of pain and suffering. Unfortunately, despite thorough scientific research and abundant clinical success hypnotherapy is also surrounded by many misconceptions and myths. In the United States hypnotherapy has been used in clinical therapy since the middle of the 19th century. Heart Centered Hypnotherapy is an integrative school of hypnotherapy rooted in the body and drawing from experiential and transpersonal psychotherapy. Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy combines elements of traditional and Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (TA), developmental psychology, behavior modification, Gestalt techniques, pre- and perinatal psychology, Shamanism and energy work.

Heart Centered Hypnotherapy (HCH) works with the subconscious mind to assist in resolving deep blockages and patterns that are beyond the grasp of our conscious minds and practices. It is an effective option to turn to when you are ready to truly shift life-long patterns, phobias and behaviors that are not in line with your best vision for yourself. During HCH sessions we build resources in a number of ways so that it is safe to access the deepest layers of self-sabotaging behavior and bring them to true resolution. We all have behaviors, beliefs and thought forms from the past that are limiting and keep us stuck in some way. HCH is one of the most effective modalities available to truly heal and move on.

HCH employs a variety of therapeutic tools. The process is non-dogmatic and supports your worldview, it is respectful of all life paths and all are welcome. During HCH sessions I guide you into a very relaxed state to gain access to the deepest parts of your system and memory. Throughout the session you are in complete control and are totally conscious, even more connected with yourself than in everyday life. From this relaxed and resourced place we go straight to the source of the problem at the deepest level available and do the work necessary for it to fully express and heal. While here, we support your systems natural resources and make sure we have plenty of tools as we work directly with the source of your problems. We engage the part of your mind where physical feelings and memories live to release the struggle in your body. HCH is masterful at helping you to get in touch with what it is that you are truly feeling when you operate from a belief that was entrained during trauma or in a vulnerable time of your life like childhood. Fear, shame, anxiety, hopelessness, abandonment, guilt, anger, loneliness, jealousy and hate are just a few of the debilitating emotions that we unpack and heal during HCH sessions.

HCH is also very effective in changing behavior patterns. Most of us are plagued by behaviors that keep us bound to an outcome that we do not want. Whether it is our relationship to food, sex, tobacco, shopping or something else HCH can help you truly re-program your system and operate from a more empowered place.

HCH is a journey to wholeness. As with all things worth doing in life healing is a process. Our work progressively deepens are you become ready to heal on deeper and deeper levels.

The process of HCH deepens our relationship to our own mind/body wisdom. We become more intuitive and empowered when this relationship is nurtured and thriving. Connections to our deepest positive beliefs can expand once we have updated our system with healthy programming.